Appreciation from the Express Paving Family.

We sometimes tend to overlook the underlying importance of certain things and certain people in our lives who have contributed in shaping us into the person and business we are.
Frederick Koenig once mentioned that happiness comes not from getting something we lack, but from the recognition and appreciation of what we do have.I agree, our family, clients, and businessmen have been very important along our journey of 30 years in business. You,our loyal customers have made us part of what we are today, 30 years in business and still growing. 
Thank you for your commitment to the Express Paving family “We recognize and appreciate you.” 
                                                                                                                                                             Sincerely, Don Humphrey

Commercial • Residential 
Free Estimates - Locally Owned   
 Express Paving 
Serving Hood and surrounding counties over 30 years
Impeccable  References
   Texas Paving  Contractor                                    Free Estimates      817-219-5842               
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Thank you paving customers in:Acton, Benbrook, Cresson,Comanche, Glen Rose, Granbury, Stephenville,Hico, Lipan,Morgan Mills, Milsap,Weatherford, many more in hood county, Erath county, Somervelle county , Johnson county, tarrent county, parker county, and wise county.